Day 21

February 4, 2013


I don't think it's any secret that I dream of being a mother.  My dreams used to be filled with seeing positive pregnancy tests and the excited look on Matt's face when I told him that we were finally going to be parents, but as the treatments get more expensive and the emotional cost is getting higher and higher I'm finding that I no longer dream of positive pregnancy tests.  I dream of being in labor (weird right?) I dream of Matt right next to me while we are in labor encouraging me that we can do this, that he's right there with me, that he's so proud of me.  I dream of seeing our baby for the first time of touching his/her fingers and toes, of looking into our child's eyes and knowing that I am finally a mother.


  1. Aw, this is so sweet and it made me tear up. I'm thinking and praying for you. :)

  2. I think it's really good to start visualizing and imagining the actual birth process. You've gotta be able to believe it if it's going to happen, and going past the pregnancy test is a great sign I think! Those sounds like great dreams to have!

  3. That is so awesome Elizabeth! I know I try to visualize a lot too and I can't wait for the moment when you get to meet your baby and then post the pic on here for us all to see. I'm so excited that while your dream no longer includes a positive pregnancy test it starts with one and soon it will be here along with all the developments as the baby grows and gets ready to meet you. Love, hugs, and prayers for your IVF cycle.


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