Liam is 4 months old!

June 18, 2014

4 months brings us new things such as rolling over from back to front and front to back.  He's learning his consonants specifically the g sound and loves to say gah and gee over and over again.  It's super cute and he literally thinks he's having a conversation with you!  We got to spend about a week with my sister and my youngest nephew.  It was super nice to have her here and see that some of the things I do as a parent are totally normal.  Her best advice was do what works for you and your kiddo, not what some book tells you.  Who knows your kiddo better than you? 

Towards the end of his 4 month my little stinker decided that sleep was for the birds.  He started waking every 2-3 hours.  He seemed to be refluxing more and more especially at night so we ended up making an appointment with a new pediatrician because ours didn't want to dose his reflux meds to his weight.  I increased his prilosec dose on my own and it seemed to help quite a bit!  I also wondered if he was teething because he was chomping pretty hard on mine and Matt's fingers!  So I got an amber necklace to try out.  I'm totally not convinced with the amber necklaces. 

We had our first experiences outside and he kept his sunglasses on the whole time!  It's so much fun to watch Liam grown and change day by day.  

 Playing in his new jumping toy from Aunt Donna and family
 Oh Hi Mom you came to see me!
 Daddy's boy (after he's fed and changed! before then he's momma's boy!)
 Let me hold you up cousin

 I just like to hold my cousin's hand
 My first mother's day, someone didn't want to take a family selfie!
 I have no idea how my husband did this but he got all three puppies and the baby's foot print in my Mother's Day book!
 After a night of no sleep, sometimes you just give in and sleep with the baby on the couch
 Our first outside experience!
 Such a sweet guy!
 He slept maybe an hour the night before and refused his naps...I tried everything I could think of and he was just fussy!  This is when we figured out that his reflux meds weren't working well and we needed a dose adjustment
 He was so tired but wouldn't fall asleep so we went for a walk...he's still awake and had been for nearly 4 hours.  Poor guy was nearly beside himself
 He finally passed out and slept for 2 or 3 hours!
 Not an awesome day this day either but he was sitting up and balancing himself!
 After yet another night of very little sleep this was the happiest that he was (I believe this was outfit #3 for the day after several poopslosions)
 On his 4th outfit of the day and he's had enough
 All he really wanted was to be naked and take his bath.  Silly bug!
 Sweet guy, I'm not always fast enough to catch a good smile.  He was just smiling a second before I snapped this pic then he was way more interested in Daddy's hands!
 Daddy is often the center of Liam's universe!  I love how Liam likes to 'talk' to him
 Sporting his $1 jeans that I found at a garage sale and staring at his book.  Notice the bulldog 'protecting' his baby boy
 Watching Baby Einstein and playing with his feet.  Notice the bulldog 'protecting' his baby again!
 Crashed after a little snack from mom.
 Oh this?  I'll just pull myself up mom, I'd really rather sit than lay down thanks.
 Mom did you see my toes?
 Oh hey mom, I was just sitting up.  Do you like my elephant?

 4 month pictures, he's loving his toys!
 A sweet smile on a sweet boy!
 Why aren't you in my mouth!
If you're lucky and you get him to laugh he will reward you with this smile where you can see both dimples.  This smile melts my heart and makes me forget how tired I really am!  Even though I feel overwhelmed a lot of the time I know that God chose me to be Liam's mom and that we will always find our 'normal' sometimes it just takes more time than I want it too!
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