My beach birthday!

July 5, 2015

NIt looks like we have a new tradition!  When I was a little girl we often went to the river or lake around my birthday.  My birthday falls very near the 4th of July so it makes total sense to spend the day on the water.  Last year we took Liam to the beach for the first time and he wasn't a huge all!  Last year it was 93 and the hottest day of the year!

We decided to go in the morning so it wouldn't be so hot and it was a great idea!

This year we went to the Puget Sound on my birthday and Liam loved the water!  We had fun digging with sea shells we found on the beach, we waded in the sound a bit, we chased the crows and the seagulls, and we splashed in a little stream.  It's so much fun to watch his little eyes discover something new!  

I was pretty sore on my birthday from a bit of an RA flare but we still had a lovely time going to the beach, having some yummy pizza, a bit of shopping, a much needed nap, and our most frequented Mexican restaurant.


  1. Happy Birthday!!! Love the wrap!

    1. Thank you :). Fefe is probably my favorite wrap by far!


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