Starting another cycle and feeling rather down

July 24, 2012

I was so hopeful that it would be our turn!  We had some amazing 'practice' sessions, my body seems to be working much better now and I was so relaxed through this cycle.

I don't feel as disappointed as I did last month, but I still feel like crying and still wish that I was in fact carrying Matt's kiddo.


  1. *BIG HUGS* Elizabeth! I'm so sorry about CD 1 coming. I was so hopeful for you and kept praying it was the real deal. I do think you are right though, your body is ready and your time is coming. I know there's nothing anyone can say on CD 1 to make you feel better, just know that we all understand and hope that this is day 1 of a new beginning.

  2. Aww hunny... You'll get there!! I have faith you'll be there!!


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