Ah yes, the TWW

February 22, 2012

So the time comes again where I am in the two week window. The time between ovulation and that hopefully positive pregnancy test. I find myself getting excited over every twinge in my pelvis and every symptom that could be pregnancy.

I'm so tired of getting my hopes up only to have them dashed when my unwanted friend shows up. So this month I'm trying something different. I'm going to start myself a Bible study. I went to the Christian book store today and got a new devotional! Proverbs 31 woman. I so want to be the 'perfect' wife for Matt because well...he super cute and I'm a lucky girl to have him. So here goes...here's to two weeks filled with God's presence and hopefully a positive pregnancy test and healthy pregnancy.

Here is my goal list for this two week window:
1. Start new Bible study
2. Finish my blanket
3. Exercise at least 3-5 days a week for 30 min.
4. Find at three new recipes to try
5. Clean house!


  1. You go girl!! I did something similiar...
    I try to live by that everyday, but it's SO SO SO hard... Good luck!

  2. I love that website! Thanks! I read the book awhile ago and so enjoyed it, it made me look at Matt just a little bit differently and cherish him more. Thanks so much!


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